FEB 17 - Monday: 2H Swing 10 - Goblet Squat 5 - x 31H Swing 10 - Front Squat 5 - x 3Dbl Swing 10 - Dbl Squat - x 3 FEB 18 - Tuesday: Clean and Press 5/5 - Lunge 5/5 - x 3Pull up x ? - Kickstand Squat 5/5 - x 4Snatch Ladder 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 FEB 19 - Wednesday TGU 1/1 - x 3Windmill 5/5 ... READ the POST
2025 – WEEK 7: Workouts
FEB 10 - Monday: OH Carry :20 R/L - OA Plank :20 R/L - x 3Rev Lunge 10/10 - Row 10/10 - x 3Alternating Swing 10/10 - x 4 FEB 11 - Tuesday: Clean 3/3 - Press 3/3 - Push Press 3/3 - x 4Sumo DL 10 - 2H High Pull 10 - x 5Alternating Swing / Snatch 5/5 - x 3 FEB 12 - Wednesday Windmill 5/5 ... READ the POST
2025 – WEEK 6: Workouts
FEB 3 - Monday: SL Glute Bridge 10/10 - Pull Overs 10 - x 3Side Plank :15 sec R/L - Flutter Kick 20/20 - x 3TGU 1/1 w/ 5 Snatch at top of each TGU - x 5 FEB 4 - Tuesday: Clean and Press 5/5 - Squat 5/5 - x 4Row 10/10 - Sumo DL 10 - x 4Snatch Heavy 5/5 - x 5 FEB 5 - Wednesday TGU 3/3 x ... READ the POST
2025 – WEEK 5: Workouts
JAN 27 - Monday: SLDL 10/10 - Row 5/5 - x 4Press 5/5 - Squat 10 - x 3Alternating Swing 10/10 - x 4 JAN 28 - Tuesday: TGU 3/3 - x 3Pullup x ? or hang - Lunge 10/10 - x 4Snatch 10/10 -x5 JAN 29 - Wednesday Windmill 5/5 - x 3Dbl Clean 5 - Dbl Squat 5 - Dbl Swing 5 - x 4Clean and Jerk - ... READ the POST
2025 – WEEK 4: Workouts
JAN 20 - Monday: Glute Bridge 10/10 - OA Plank :10sec each x 4Sumo DL 10 - 2H High Pull 10 x4Alternating Swing 10/10 x 3 JAN 21 - Tuesday: 1H DL 5/5 heavy - Clean 5/5 heavy x4Goblet Squat 10 - Row 5/5 x 5Snatch 5/5 x4 JAN 22 - Wednesday Windmill 5/5 x 3SLDL heavy 5/5 - Row 5/5 x ... READ the POST
2025-WEEK 3 – 2024: Workouts
JAN 13 - Monday: Floor Press 5/5 - Pushups 10 x 4Clean and Squat 101/10 x 5Alternating Swing 10/10 - x 3 JAN 14 - Tuesday: Clean and Press ladder 1,2,3 x 3Kickstand DL 5/5 -Tricep Extension 10 x 3Snatch 5/5 - Swing 10 x 3 JAN 15 - Wednesday 1/2 Kneeling press 5/5 - 1/2 kneeing ... READ the POST
2025-WEEK 2: Workouts
JAN 6 - Monday: Windmill 3/3 x 3TGU 1/1 x 3Clean, Press, Squat 5/5 x 5 JAN 7 - Tuesday: OH Carry 5/5 x 4SLDL 5/5 - Clean 5/5 x 4Swing heavy 5/5 x 4 JAN 8 - Wednesday 1/2 TGU w/ 5 Press x 4Reverse Lunge 10/10 -Pull ups ? x 31H Swing 10/10 x 4 JAN 9 - Thursday: Clean 5 - Squat 5 ... READ the POST
2025 – WEEK 1: Workouts
Dec 30 - Monday: Last two days 2024 then Kick into a strong start to 2025!Dbl Clean 5 - Dbl Press 5 - x 5Dbl Deadlift 5 - Dbl Swing 10 - x 5 Dec 31 - Tuesday: Finish out 2024 Strong!!Clean and Press 5/5 - Kickstand Squat 5/5 - x 51H Swing 10/10 - Plank :60 sec - x 5 JAN 1 - ... READ the POST
Week 49-2024: Workouts
Dec 2 - Monday: Floor Press 5 - TGU 1 R xfer repeat L - x 4Sumo Deadlift 10 - Squat 10 - x 31H Swing 10/10 - x 4 Dec 3 - Tuesday: Pushup Ladder x 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10Pull up x ? - Rev. Lunge 10/10 -x 3Snatch 10/10 -x4 Dec 4 - Wednesday Windmills 5/5 -x 3Kickstand Deadlift 10/10 - Row ... READ the POST
Week 48 – 2024: Workouts
Nov 25 - Monday: Arm Bar 5/5 - Bent Press 1/1 - x4Press 5/5 - Squat 10 - x3Alternating Swing 20- x4 Nov 26 - Tuesday: Clean and Over head Lunge 10/10 - x3SLDL 10/10 - High Pull 10/10 - x3Snatch 5/5 -x5 Nov 27 - Wednesday TGU 1/1 -x3Windmill 5/5 - x3Curtsy Lunge 10/10 - Row 5/5 - ... READ the POST
Week 47-2024: Workouts
Nov 18 - Monday: Pushup 10 - Floor Press 10/10 - x3SLDL heavy 5/5 - Squat 10 - x31H Swing 10/10 - x4 Nov 19 - Tuesday: TGU 1/1 w/ 3 Press at top of each rep - x3Kickstand DL 10/10 - Row 5/5 - x4Snatch 5/5 - 1H Swing 5/5 - x3 Nov 20 - Wednesday Heavy 1/2 TGU 3/3 - x3Rack Squat 5/5 - ... READ the POST
Week 46-2024: Workouts
Nov 11 - Monday: Happy Veterans Day!!Plank :30 sec - Swing 10 - x4Walking Lunges 10/10 - Push Press 10/10 - x5 Nov 12 - Tuesday: TGU 1/1 - x3SLDL 10/10 - Row 5/5 - x4Snatch 10/10 - 1H Swing 10/10 - x3 Nov 13 - Wednesday Windmills 5/5 -x3Curtsy Lunge 10/10 - OAPU 3/3 -x4Clean 10/10 - ... READ the POST
Week 45-2024: Workouts
Nov 4 - Monday: Glute Bridge 20 - Floor Press 10/10 - x 3Plank :30 sec - Squat 10 - x 3Alternating Swing 10/10 - x 4 Nov 5 - Tuesday: Clean and press Ladder x 1,2,3,4,5 -x3SLDL 10/10 - Pull up x ? -x4Snatch 10/10 -x3 Nov 6 - Wednesday TGU 1/1 w/ 3 windmills at top -x3Reverse Lunge ... READ the POST
Week 44-2024: Workouts
Oct 28 - Monday: TGU 3/3 - x 3Curtsy Lunge 10/10 - Squat 10 - x 3Pushups 10 - 2H Swing 10 - x 4 Oct 29 - Tuesday: Sumo DL 10 - OAPU 5/5 - x 3Pullups x ? or Row 5/5 - Pistol 5/5 - x 4Snatch 10/10 -x 3 Oct 30 - Wednesday Windmill 5/5 - x 3Clean and Lunge 10/10 - Push Press 5/5-x4Plank ... READ the POST
Week 43-2024: Workouts
Oct 21 - Monday: Windmill 5/5 - x 3Sumo DL 5 - Heavy Push Press 5/5 - x 3IH Swing 10/10 - x 4 Oct 22 - Tuesday: TGU 1/1 - x 3Pistol 5/5 - OAPU 5/5 - x 4Swing 5/5 - Snatch 5/5 - x 3 Oct 23 - Wednesday Arm Bar 3/3 - Crooked Arm Bar 3/3 - x 3Curtsy Lunge 10/10- Flutter Kicks 20/20 - x ... READ the POST
Week 42-2024: Workouts
Oct 14 - Monday: TGU 3/3 - x 3Plank :30 sec - Lunge 10/10 - x 3Alternating Swing 10/10 - x 4 Oct 15 - Tuesday: Clean and press Ladder x 1,2,3 - x 3SLDL 10/10 - Row 5/5 x 4Snatch 10/10 -x3 Oct 16 - Wednesday Windmills 5/5 - x3Kickstand DL 10/10 - Row 10/10 -x4Clean 10/10 - Swing 10/10 ... READ the POST
Week 41-2024: Workouts
Oct 7 - Monday: Floor Press 10/10 - Push up 10 - rest and repeat x 3Plank :30 sec - SLDL 10/10 - rest and repat x 4Alternating Swing 10/10 - rest and repeat x 3 Oct 8 - Tuesday: Clean 5/5 - Press 5/5 - Squat 5/5 - rest and repeat x 4Custry Lunge 10/10 - Pull up x ? - rest and repeat x 31H ... READ the POST
Week 40-2024: Workouts
Sept 30 - Monday: Windmill 5/5 - rest and repeat x 3Walking lunges 10/10 - Pushups 10 - rest and repeat x 31H Swing 10/10 - rest and repeat x 3 Oct 1 - Tuesday: TGU 1/1 - rest and repeat x 3Sumo DL 10 - Row 5/5 -rest and repeat x 4Snatch 10/10 -x 3 Oct 2- Wednesday Clean and Push ... READ the POST
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